Most people feel architects must automatically know 3D. Yes, to an extent. But sincerely, it does not matter. During their undergrad program, architects are taught how to create modelling of a building. So what is going on? The ecosystem produces fewer job opportunities. Unlike before, you can secure a job in real estate or the government and make small cash; it looks impossible.

Students believed in “school na scam”. Even though we have a lot of people refuting these words, it still rings often. As a student, I won’t attest to this because of the opportunities and knowledge gained. But for an architect, they have a limited range they can go. To be sincerely honest, the realistic path that combines technology with their passion is animation. So, do they need to learn its skills?
Most, if not all Architect students have a basic knowledge of drawing. It is a prerequisite to getting admission to have a credit score in technical drawing. To be a 3D animator or a designer, the ability to sketch either physically or abstractly remains prior. With this knowledge coupled with the usage of tools taught in school, the road is set. Architects find it hard to get a well-paying job lately. Rather than hoping for an unexpected miracle, they have taken their craft to build better visuals to make cool cash.