Today, biometric technology is undoubtedly an emerging technological trend that is very significant due to its potential benefits in human and societal development. The cutting-edge biometric technologies employing unique physical traits apply to multiple sectors ranging from health care, education, agriculture, airports, large to small enterprises, aviation, hotels, banking and finance, government agencies and social welfare schemes, insurance, retail, manufacturing, law enforcement to hospitality and tourism.

The use of biometric technology in these organisations ushers in a new age of seamless authentication. It fosters their development. For example, in recent years, the sports tourism and hospitality industry has witnessed drastic changes due to the use of biometric technology for smooth operational efficiency, quality service delivery, customer’s patronage and retention, and customers’ ultimate satisfaction.
A few people reprimand the potential benefits and disadvantages of biometric technology as an important emerging trend, while others extol its functions. This argument stems from the fact that technology-based systems have their limitations and biometric technology is not an exception. But the fact remains; that biometric technology has come to stay and has significantly improved most organisations’ day-to-day activities.
What is Biometric Technology?

Various countries are actively moving towards executing innovative biometric technology in multiple domains for their development. Being so, Mantra explains that the global biometric market is going to reach USD 41.8billion by the year 2025. It is a significant future outreach, considering the vast advancement in technology.
Biometric technology is an advanced technological tool that identifies or authenticates an individual based on some parts of his body. According to ScienceDirect, biometric technology refers to using some technology tools to identify a person based on some aspects of their biology. Biometric identification exists from as far back as the 19th century. During this period, security agencies utilize technology for identifying and tracing culprits.
Categorically grouped under digital forensics, biometric tools such as the fingerprint scanner is among the first and original biometric technologies. Other types of authentication occur in various forms and systems. They include signature, speech recognition, keystroke, face/facial recognition, iris and palm-vein scanner.
Fingerprint Scanner as a Biometric Tool
Notably, the fingerprint scanner verifies and identifies an individual through the analysis and comparison of his or her finger ridges. It is one of the most popular techniques used for authentication and identification; and one of the most effective biometric technologies. It is not only limited to businesses but also used for smart devices for unlocking them.
According to ShuftiPro, fingerprint scanning is the most common type of biometric authentication used by almost 57% of global companies. It is a biological biometric system that is secured with each individual’s live participation. However, it has a disadvantage. The prints can be collected by fraudsters when left on the device.
Facial Biometric System
Like the fingerprint, facial biometric authentication requires the live presence of the individual. It is a form of biometric authentication that identifies and verifies an individual from a digital image or a video frame from a video source. It uses computer algorithms to pick out specific and distinctive details of such individuals through the capture of the face.
Also, it identifies and analyzes the unique facial features of the individual. It automatically matches them with the existing database for authentication. The use of facial biometric authentication is a more convenient and advanced system by identifying, for example, criminals among the crowds. Therefore, various bodies and companies are aware of the true capabilities of this system. They have successively begun to have an interest in it.
Palm-Vein Biometric Scanner
The Palm-Vein scanner is a biometric authentication system that employs advanced biometric security technology. Bodies consider it as a next-generation technological tool. It significantly increases the identification and authentication rate with a considerable reduction in verification time. The Palm-Vein scanner as a biometric tool captures the image of an individual vein pattern, reflecting it with near-infrared rays.
The existing deoxidized haemoglobin in the palm vein will absorb the infrared rays and decrease the reflection rate, which causes the veins to appear as a black pattern. Notably, the pattern which the tool obtains is verified. It is verified in relation to an existing pre-registered pattern of the vein of an individual.
Role of Biometric Technology in Human Resource Management
Indisputably, globalisation is on the increase. Consequently, various companies and enterprises are expanding globally, breaking geographical barriers. Those companies need enlightenment about issues faced with monitoring staff/personnel activities. Overcoming the challenges that emanate thereof is a huge task.
Human Resource Management is saddled with the responsibilities of reshaping organizational values, achieving staff member as well as customer satisfaction, scaling the success of transformations and maintaining a high operational proficiency. The managers serve as a contour integration between the organization and biometric technology.
HR managers also have a broad range of functions that include; leave management, time and attendance, report management, calculating compensations and benefits, grievance management, payroll management, and so on. In HR management, biometric technology plays a vital role in the registration, verification and authentication of personnel’s biological or physiological attributes.
Utilizing biometric technology in HR management offers a real-time panacea to the managers or professionals, who supplement the conventional practices of human resource analytics. The biometric system simplifies tasks for the HR department.
Role of Biometric Technology in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
As the world continues to advance in technological knowledge and experience, there is the absolute need for SMEs to adopt an ever-demanding biometric-technological landscape. It is likewise imperative for these SMEs to enhance their business security and ease the functioning of their businesses. This is because they are usually vulnerable to challenging security concerns.
Utilizing the necessary biometric tools will adequately enhance the SMEs; not only in identifying an individual accurately but also help in diverse multiple operations such as efficient monitoring of employee’s time-attendance, controlling the traffic of people and ultimately transforming the digital payment process.
Furthermore, in an increasingly-challenging digital world, it becomes difficult for enterprises to safeguard confidential information and protect their assets. But thanks to biometric technology for adequate facilitation of enterprises with reliable, precise and convenient biometric tools/devices that restrict unauthorized access to the security of people’s assets.
Enacting biometric technology in SMEs also helps in controlling the flow of access through their facilities by intensifying their enterprise security system. For safeguarding any business against cyber attacks, biometric technology and its related security systems are imperative and very essential. These biometric systems serve as links to identify with a person’s identity, enforce organisational rules across such business and foster organisational growth and development.