The Democratic Republic of Congo is set to spend $35 million on a project for developing new fibre and upgrades. The project would be financed by LMS Holdings and would be handled by Elysium Holdings. Elysium Holdings will be responsible for the financing, delivery, and management of telecommunications infrastructures, associated services as well as the modernization of IT systems within the Société Congolaise des Posts et Telecommunications (SCPT).
According to Theophile Mingashanga, the President & Chairman of Elysium Holdings, the program has committed to using green energy (solar energy micro-grid) at each of the PoP stations along the 640 km of fiber to be deployed during phase 1 and has incorporated a reforestation component, as part of the firm’s corporate social responsibility (CSR), on up to 400km along RN2 crossing Virunga Park in the North Kivu and part of the Kahuzi Biega National Park in the South Kivu”, he further added.
The upgrade of the WACS link from Moanda to Kinshasa is expected to guarantee a capacity of 100Gbps.