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Macro-Eyes has received additional funding of $2m to roll out AI-powered STRIATA in Sierra Leone and to expand into two additional countries, which are currently undisclosed. In 2020, STRIATA was tested and introduced in Sierra Leone to support critical Ministry decisions on where to send limited COVID-19 resources given the greatest need.
Building off the successful pilot, Macro-Eyes will work in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation to expand STRIATA in Sierra Leone. This additional funding will support two years of STRIATA deployment in Sierra Leone. Strategic rollout and preliminary use cases are being guided by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation through the Intelligent Health Systems Technical Working Group facilitated by Macro-Eyes. The expansion in Sierra Leone will focus on integrating the optimization module into STRIATA to generate precision and efficiency for the supply chain network and human resources for health.

Ashley Schmidt, Macro-Eyes Senior Program Manager said: “With STRIATA, it is easier to know what is happening in complex health systems despite the challenges of data completeness and quality. STRIATA is changing the way health systems data is analyzed with rapid speed and precision-only something AI can help us do.”
Macro-Eyes had won the USAID Intelligent Forecasting Field Implementation Grant, a global competition with over 100 participating organizations. Benjamin Thelonious Fels, Macro-Eyes CEO said: “We fiercely believe that the most advanced technology in the world must turn towards fundamental human problems. We are grateful for this opportunity to work with the government of Côte d’Ivoire to make health systems more responsive to the people they serve. The world is dynamic, conditions on the ground change: the systems that determine where and when health goods are available must learn to keep ahead of that change.”
Macro-Eyes products shift supply chains from reactive to proactive. Macro-Eyes believes that when systems have the capability to anticipate crucial change, infrastructure becomes resilient. The health tech works in environments with little conventional data (sometimes none at all) and with some of the world’s most sophisticated consumers of technology.