Liquid Technologies and Facebook announced today, the 5th of July 2021, a partnership to build an extensive long haul and metro fibre network in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) that would improve internet access for more than 30 million people and help meet growing demand for regional connectivity across Central Africa.

This partnership will have Facebook investing in the fibre build and providing support for its network planning while Liquid Technologies will own, build and operate the fibre network, and provide wholesale services to mobile network operators and internet service providers.The network will help create a digital corridor from the Atlantic Ocean through the Congo Rainforest (the second largest rainforest after the Amazon) to East Africa, and onto the Indian Ocean.
Liquid Technologies has been working on the digital corridor for more than two years, which now reaches Central DRC and will connect her to neighbouring countries including Angola, Congo Brazzaville, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.The new build will also help connect East and West Africa by land and better connect Africa to the Middle East and Europe. Additionally, more than 5,000 people from local communities will be employed to achieve this project.
“This is one of the most difficult fibre builds ever undertaken, crossing more than 2,000 kilometres of some of the most challenging terrain in the world”. said Nic Rudnick, Group CEO of Liquid Intelligent Technologies.This project, which is markedly daunting, would see to a significant gap-bridging in internet access – reduced cost of data and improved connectivity across the region- which is the shared mission of Liquid Technologies and Facebook.
Liquid Intelligent Technologies, a subsidiary of Econet global, is a pan-African one-stop-shop digital infrastructure provider present in more than 20 countries in Africa, with a vision of a digitally connected future that leaves no African behind.