VALR ( visit website)
Location: South Africa
Sector: Fintech

We all love a good movie and if you are not a movie lover, I’m sure there was a moment in your life when you loved them right? I’m so tempted to ask what really happened but let’s save the details for another day, hehe! Anyway, I believe for all movie lovers we have a genre or two that we really like. It might be Anime, Comedy or Sci-fi and after a long busy day you just want to pick your favourite selection and with your cold beer or a bowl of popcorn have it play on your screen. For now, I am more interested in Sci-fi lovers. The movies are based on a future world with super cool tech stuff or weird Aliens in this genre. In this “future world”, the technology is usually mind-blowing and everything is run by it, and when I say everything, I mean everything is automated. Buying and selling usually involve cashless money and although this type of money is usually featured in these movies, ladies and gentlemen, we are already living the dream in our world today.
If you are interested in contemporary stuff happening around the world, I am sure you have heard of or educated yourself about cryptocurrencies. There is a huge social-financial shift happening in the world today and this guy is the captain of our ship.

So what is Cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is the new virtual money secured by cryptography that is hard to double-spend or counterfeit. It is more portable and scarce and no one is in charge of its issuance. The issuance will only ever be at 21million thus, explaining the extraordinary price gains the currency have gathered over the last 12 years. Earning itself a new nickname Gold 2. As mentioned above, we are currently transitioning from traditional money to cryptocurrency. Therefore, there is the need for an organization to be in place to enable this shift and that is where VALR comes in.
Who are these guys at Varl?
VALR is a South African company that is bridging the gap between traditional money systems with the new world cryptocurrencies. The company was founded in 2018 by four co-founders; Farzam Ehsani, Theo Bohnen, Badi Sudhakaran and Chris Tsimogiannis. The four founded VALR with the purpose of offering the widest range of cryptos available to South Africans, with a mission to usher in a new financial paradigm. One year after the company got registered, it recorded the highest numbers of crypto trading in South Africa and the continent in general. They provide the best cut fee, by paying rather than charging their clients and offering the best security in the market. Valr has an easy five minutes to sing in the process and they treat their beginner customers as seasoned crypto investors. Also, they have been working closely with South African regulators to offer crypto education to policymakers.

The company has this referral program, where customers get 15% off their trading fee. Also, they can earn up to 10% on the charging fee paid by every new client they introduce. This referral program makes VARL lucrative and popular which is part of why the company has grown that fast. Further, they have safe custody of digital assets where they manage customer’s crypto in a “cold” or “hot” wallet. In the cold wallet, the crypto is held in offline geographically controlled and accessed vaults that are video monitored. In hot wallets, the crypto is held in online multi-signature wallets that require one to maintain operational liquidity.
The customer’s individual account information is encrypted both when active and encrypted. Further, the account has two-factor authentication security by default. The company has also set the account in a manner that will require several verifications when the account is accessed from a new device. In one of the reviews by a customer named Hussain, he described VALR as one of the safest and trusted trading platforms for crypto in South Africa.
To wrap it up, VALR is the future of crypto investors in SA and Africa in general and with its referral and security protocol, it offers a trustful ground for crypto trading. I suggest they should consider expanding their reach to other African countries. Seeing the growth and acceptance of cryptocurrency, buying and selling will soon go digital.
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