The number of sexual activities that take place daily will amaze you. I know many people especially Techies feel sex is a usual thing. Irrespective of religious and ethnic beliefs, we’ve seen a high rise in sexual intercourse. Personally, my question is, when does techie even have time to have sex?
Many people tell me techies love sex but sitting hours in front of a screen trying to solve a problem and still have time for sex seems ridiculous. The reality is no matter how busy people’s schedules, are they find time for what they want. During a conversation recently, a lady asked me unexpectedly that why to do guys like sex. I was in awe and gave her a funny response, “Really, do they?”. She said yes, most especially tech experts.
It might be weird to talk about what many people call immorality, and some hide their involvement. The reality is people have sex, and we shouldn’t shy away from the topic. Specifying techies makes it look bias – they are the busiest professionals. Regardless, sex has its benefits and downsides. I’ll be highlighting four benefits and downsides.

Benefits of Sex on Techies
1. Body therapy: For both gender, what interest most during sex is pleasure. Scientists have proven that one of the best ways to exercise is by having sex. I’m not here advertising sex against religious or ethical beliefs. I am stating facts. The process that leads to sex and even the activity itself helps relax the body. I believe techies need to love having sex to provide body therapy.
2. Open mind: Most techies have blocks. You see them frustrated and confused about what to do. The reality is sex open your mind and eliminate those blocks. Most times, a block can get broken by taking your mind off work. Sexual moments sparks new ideas and bring a fresh head to tackle the task
3. Interpersonal Relationship: You will be wondering how does this fit in, right? Yes, it does. Sex is an activity of two partners, and if not done with a “slot”, there are chances to meet new minds. For some people, sex is just for fun. Few individuals understand that sexual partners can serve as a confidant. They can discuss activities, and you’ll be perplexed by getting solutions right on the spot.
4. Connections: The tech big boys value connections. People want various gigs and wanna do more work. Having a connected partner can serve as a breakthrough for techies. Sex isn’t longer fun but an investment for future returns.
1. Time Consuming:
If you’ve ever tried to woo a partner, you’ll know it’s not an easy task. It takes so much time that you might practically not know there’s no time left. Sex is a spirit (I’m now spiritual), just like money. Once you aren’t careful, you lose a lot of time and do not get a result.
2. Loss of Concentration:
Good sex deserves another. Imagine a situation you just had one good sex, and you are trying to concentrate on work. It’ll be hard to control the mind and take off the occurrence. Partners reminisce on a good meeting for weeks which will affect performance. Some people deliver not do a good job because they want to clear their table for sex. Even though you want to have fun, use your head.
3. Spread of diseases:
Most techies squeeze time off a busy schedule to meet their partners. In a case where both are techies, they might meet unplanned and have unprotected sex. Many people have unprotected sex even though there have been many advocacies against it. Techies believe once you don’t do it now, when is the next time. Generally, everyone should be using protection to prevent the spread of diseases. You might think you have a faithful partner but, what if? Use protection and save yourself the sorrows.
And lastly…
4. Emotional breakdown:
For a group of people that are naturally stressed out, a breakup is hard. Most techies lose their minds and focus totally after a broken relationship. Most times, sexual activities prompt these decisions that will dent the goal of promising or exceptional talent to go down the radar. After looking at the sacrifice and all put in place, it’s like an emotional scam in most cases.
To round up, Techies love sex so do everybody who loves it. We need to be very realistic that techies don’t have much time to have sex. Even though they do, they mostly use it as a means of getting better results. Like I said earlier, I’m not campaigning for more sex. Rather, I am addressing an issue that I’ve heard so many times.